We understand that this may not be the right time for you to donate. Please see below other ways you can support our Mission or support the residents directly at the SSLCs. If you reached this page in error, you may return to the donate page by clicking this button. 

Ideas if you can't donate at this time.

1. Share every positive story you see about the incredible creativity, love and compassion that is happening at your SSLC. Use Facebook and Twitter to share your story and share or tag Save Our SSLCs.

2. Contact your local Volunteer Services Council. Ask if you can help in some way. You could order food for the staff, send a greeting card to a resident, donate money, or find some other way to show your support.

3. When you see negative stories about the SSLCs write letters to the editor, contact journalists. Speak up! Let us know if you read any articles and send a message with a link to the article on our Contact Page. 

4. Let your legislators know about what is happening at your Center and how it meets your loved one’s needs. Share pictures and stories of your loved one and their life. 

Volunteer at a State Supported Living Center near you.

To volunteer at a state supported living center you fill out the volunteer/intern application. 

You then take the required online training. You will be contacted by a program employee when your application is received.